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ReThink ReLeaf

I'm Wendy, a certified holistic health coach, functional nutrition expert and genetic practitioner.


Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life

Perfect for those who want to discuss your current health & life goals or are looking for monthly accountability partner.


We’re proud to hold a space for you to share your dreams and goals with a Healthy Living Consultation.


There’s no judgement, just unconditional support to help you get clarity on your journey and professional tools to implement lasting behavioral change.

Close-up of kale salad and vegetables

Let’s Get Healthy


My name is Wendy Jean 

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For years, my declining health effected my Professional Photography career, my family, my friendships, and kept me from living to my full potential. I struggled with chronic pain, brain fog, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, hair loss, mood issues and more. I was sick but my conventional medical team labeled me as 'normal" or gave me scripts for pharmaceuticals with harmful side effects.


But like you I refused to accept a life of destined poor health as my fate. 


Like you, I believed I was the only one who was going to find the answers to my symptoms. And that mindset pushed me to rethink what relief looked like for me. This launched me on a journey of self-discovery through symptom tracking, food journaling, genetic research, seeking alternative treatments, and continuing my education to truly transform my health and my life as well as my families.


Today, I am optimizing my health through having the knowledge of my genetic risks, nutritional deficiencies, life-style habits and I am helping other discover news ways to ReThink ReLeaf.

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